Backhand Reo

On 07/09/2010, at 6:57 wrote:

Hello. Quick question. When doing a backside bottom turn do you want your legs/knees bent with body in the crouched position when you reach the bottom of the wave? At what point do you straighten out your body to nice toward the lip if at all?

Christo wrote:
Yes, you want to get low as you go into your bottom turn, stay low while turning, then as you start to angle up the wave and you are coming out of your bottom turn you extend and straighten your legs. It helps you generate more speed out of your turn and gets your body in the right position.
It should be like this:
1. Go into your bottom turn – get low.
2. Look up the wave where you want to go.
3. Put more weight into your back foot and twist your upper body. Point your front arm in the direction you want to go – up the wave face.
4. Push on your rail to make the turn.
5. Extend the legs and spring out of the turn to generate speed, straighten your body as you come up the wave.
Go to on the blog page about half way down I’ve answered some questions on backhand bottom turns, so check them too. Here’s the link Backhand bottom turns – Surfing
Hope this helps.